About FlightPath3D

“The only travel buddy I need.” –WIRED

The airline industry’s #1 map and trusted co-pilot for hundreds of millions of passenger journeys.


Working to create a
unified travel journey


To guide every flying passenger.


To guide ONE BILLION passengers annually by 2030.

Travel continues to evolve – so do we

Today’s traveler has higher expectations than ever before. We’re focused on building solutions that address those expectations and engage the modern traveler. 

Because of this evolution, we know every touchpoint counts. Our presence expands beyond inflight solutions into airline websites, apps, and iconic airports worldwide offering travelers a consistent companion.

We’re embracing advanced data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), video-based interactions, and more to craft the next chapter of travel: personalized, immersive, and effortlessly enjoyable.

How we’re trailblazing inflight experiences

These core values are what help us continue to raise the altitude to build great products and have fun doing it.

  • Disruptors in action

    While many just talk about or find flight system innovation daunting, we harness data, AI and augmented reality, ensuring we're not just part of the conversation, but leading it.

  • Passengers in every pixel

    Each pixel we craft, each feature and update is designed with the passenger at heart. We're the bridge connecting companies to their passengers in meaningful ways.

  • Committed to excellence

    We've turned excellence into our mindset for product quality and customer service. While many aim, we achieve. With 4,000+ aircraft in the sky, our distinction is clear and visible.

Our journey

Scroll to see where we started and how we got here.

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